Sunday, October 30, 2011

Doodling at the Majors Fair.

Helped out at the SCAD Majors Fair a few weeks ago. Doodled this stuff at the SEQA table.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Star Wars Ladies

Princess Leia, Mara Jade, and Tenel Ka.


A little something I did a while ago. Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, my favorite series of video games. I'd loooooove to be able to work on these.


Old drawing of Shinji and Asuka from Evangelion. Definitely one of the best TV shows ever.

Scarlet Witch & Emma Frost

So... My original blog got deleted because I kind of slacked off and forgot about it. I made a new one that I promise to update regularly now that it's easy to upload pictures on blogger AND I'm drawing a lot more than I was earlier this year!

Anyway, here's some old X-Lady stuff I drew while I was working at Marvel. :)